
Springy nails

Surprisingly the weather was already quite sunny and springy over here in february and now the beginning of march marks the official start of spring. It is time to dust off those bright spring colours and give those nails a hint of colour.
When it comes to nails i am more comfartable and daring to wear bright colours than on my face. And i just love a good bright coloured nailpolish to kick off that spring feeling.

My spring nailpolish collection goes from reds, oranges and corals to light blues and even sometimes whites (although that's more something for summer).
A recent addition to my growing essie collection is the colour Lollipop. I haven't tried a bright orange (like sunday funday) on my nails yet, but we're getting there. So Lollipop is a mix between red and orange and the perfect colour to start getting those orange hues. Staying in the red theme is Forever Yummy a more classical red, who can ever go wrong with a classic red?
In the coral section the one and only at the moment is Tart Deco, gorgeous bright coral colour that makes your skin look more tanned than it actually is.
A toned down light blue, with a bit grey in it, is Find Me An Oasis, which is for me a colour for the time between the last days of winter and the first real days of spring. I like to wear it in winter and spring.
Whites are for me more someting for the real hot summer, but a bit of Fiji here and there changes things up a bit. I am still not sure about the whole white nailpolish hype thing, especially the whole rave about Fiji, but maybe i will understand this summer. We'll see.

What is your favorite spring nailpolish colour?


  1. Hey :)
    Dein Blog gefällt mir wirklich unglaublich gut & du hast unglaublich schöne Bilder und ein tolles Design :) Essie Nagellack mag ich persönlich auch super gerne & die Farben, die du ausgewählt hast finde ich super schön :)

    Liebe Grüße :)

    1. Hallo :)
      Danke, danke, danke :) Mittlerweile besitze ich nur noch hauptsächlich essie Lacke und ich mag die Farbauswahl von essie super gerne.
      xoxo Lara
